
"‘A Scourge Of The Earth’: Grasshopper Swarms Overwhelm US West"

"They’re arriving in swarms so dense it can appear the earth is moving. They’re covering roads and fields, pelting ATV riders, and steadily devouring grains and grass to the bedevilment of farmers and ranchers. A massive population of grasshoppers is proliferating in the sweltering American west, where a deep drought has made for ideal conditions for grasshopper eggs to hatch and survive into adulthood."

Source: Guardian, 07/05/2021

EPA Inaction Blamed as Bees Suffer 2nd Highest Colony Losses on Record

"Beekeepers this year in the United States reported the second highest annual loss of managed honey bee colonies since records began in 2006, according to results of a nationwide survey released Wednesday."

Source: Common Dreams, 06/25/2021

"Report: Climate Change Means Less Snow For Yellowstone"

"Yellowstone National Park visitors hoping to see its world-renowned geysers, wolves and bears can expect warmer temperatures and less snow as climate change alters the park’s environment, according to a report by U.S. and university researchers released Wednesday."

Source: AP, 06/24/2021


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