Donald Trump's statement, during the September 16, 2015, debate, that vaccinations cause autism contradicted science and endangered human lives, doctors say. Moreover, the idea that scheduling childhood vaccinations less frequently than pediatricians recommend also endangers the health of children.
Tara Haelle reports for NPR's All Things Considered September 17, 2015.
"American Academy of Pediatrics Reiterates Safety and Importance of Vaccines" (American Academy of Pediatrics)
"All the Ways The GOP Candidates Were Wrong About Vaccines" (Washington Post)
"Vaccine Phobia Infects GOP Race" (Politico)
"The GOP’s Dangerous ‘Debate’ on Vaccines And Autism" (Washington Post)
"Experts Call Republican Candidates' Vaccine Claims 'False' and 'Dangerous'" (ABC News)
"The GOP Debate's Vaccine Disaster" (Huffington Post)
"Donald Trump Uses GOP Debate to Push Anti-Vaccination Myths" (Slate)
"Debate Coach: Trump's Disgraceful Autism Claim" (CNN)
"Physicians Scoff at Vaccination Claims in GOP Debate" (US News & World Report)
"Vaccine Issue Arises at Republican Debate, to Doctors’ Dismay" (New York Times)
"Asking a Childhood Vaccination Expert About the GOP Debate" (New York)
Alternative Vaccination Schedule Presents More Risks Than Benefits
Source: NPR, 09/18/2015