"Army Corps: Senators Reach Deal On WRDA Amendments"

"Two controversial amendments related to the National Flood Insurance Program will not be taken up as part of the Water Resources Development Act, which [was] on track for a final vote [Tuesday] evening after senators reached a last-minute agreement on amendments to be considered." [The Senate did not complete work on the bill Tuesday and will resume work Wednesday.]

"Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), one of the bill's managers, initially said the flood insurance amendments would be considered but dropped them from the package over objections from Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.).

'This is really a shame that we can't even get a vote,' said Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who penned an amendment to delay increases to National Flood Insurance Program premiums. She had hoped her revisions to make the provision budget-neutral would win it passage.

The Senate swiftly approved 20 amendments by unanimous consent and has begun debate on nine other amendments. They include a measure to restrict the definition of 'navigable waters' and thus the extent of the federal Clean Water Act and another from Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) that would make controversial environmental streamlining provisions in the bill a pilot program."

Annie Snider reports for E&E News PM May 14, 2013.


"Senate Advances Amendments To Water Infrastructure Bill" (The Hill)

Editorial: "U.S. Senate Needs To Tweak Bill on Big Water Projects" (Sacramento Bee)

"Water Bill Could See Smooth Sailing in Senate, Despite Critics" (McClatchy)

Source: E&E News PM, 05/15/2013