"Begich on Pebble: 'Wrong Mine, Wrong Place, Too Big'"

"U.S. Sen. Mark Begich says he's concluded the proposed Pebble mine cannot be developed without harming the Bristol Bay region's world-famous red salmon runs."

"'Wrong mine, wrong place, too big,' Begich said in an interview. 'Too many potential long-term impacts to a fishery that is pretty critical to that area but also to Alaska, to world markets.'

He's the first member of Alaska's current congressional delegation to speak out firmly in opposition to the mine. His comments came after the Environmental Protection Agency released a hefty -- and controversial -- scientific study Wednesday that found a big mine posed significant risks to Bristol Bay salmon. The huge Pebble gold and copper deposit is at the headwaters of two rivers that together account for 25 percent of the world's sockeye salmon production. Bristol Bay overall produces half the world's red salmon."

Lisa Demer reports for the Anchorage Daily News January 20, 2014.

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 01/21/2014