"Climate Emergency: Global Action Is ‘Way Off Track’ Says UN Head"

"The world is “way off track” in dealing with the climate emergency and time is fast running out, the UN secretary general has said.

António Guterres sounded the alarm at the launch of the UN’s assessment of the global climate in 2019. The report concludes it was a record-breaking year for heat, and there was rising hunger, displacement and loss of life owing to extreme temperatures and floods around the world.

Scientists said the threat was greater than that from the coronavirus, and world leaders must not be diverted away from climate action.

The climate assessment is led by the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO), with input from the UN’s agencies for environment, food, health, disasters, migration and refugees, as well as scientific centres."

Damian Carrington reports for the Guardian March 10, 2020.


"Multi-Agency Report Highlights Increasing Signs And Impacts Of Climate Change In Atmosphere, Land And Oceans" (WMO Release)


Source: Guardian, 03/11/2020