"Davos 2023: Big Oil In Sights Of Climate Activist Protests"

"DAVOS, Switzerland - Big oil firms came under pressure at the start of the World Economic Forum (WEF) from activists who accused them of hijacking the climate debate, while a Greta Thunberg-sponsored "cease and desist" campaign gained support on social media.

Major energy firms including BP (BP.L), Chevron (CVX.N) and Saudi Aramco (2222.SE) are among the 1,500 business leaders gathering for the annual meeting in the Swiss resort of Davos, where global threats including climate change are on the agenda.

"We are demanding concrete and real climate action," said Nicolas Siegrist, the 26-year-old organiser of the protest who also heads the Young Socialists party in Switzerland."

Maha El Dahan reports for Reuters January 16, 2023.


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Source: Reuters, 01/17/2023