"Federal Fishing Monitoring Program Needs Overhaul, GAO Says"

"The NOAA Fisheries program — the subject of the recent Supreme Court decision overturning the Chevron doctrine — places observers on commercial fishing boats."

"Only days after the Supreme Court dealt a blow to the federal government’s program placing human observers on commercial fishing boats, a federal watchdog said NOAA Fisheries should do a better job monitoring the industry.

A report released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office said NOAA Fisheries — also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service — has failed to execute its program as Congress intended under law.

NOAA has long relied on independent observers to ensure compliance with regulations and collect data to guide fisheries management decisions. In recent years, as critical fish stocks have declined due to overfishing and climate change, regulators have placed greater emphasis in particular on reducing the accidental taking of unwanted species, which is called bycatch."

Daniel Cusick reports for E&E News July 10, 2024.

Source: E&E News, 07/16/2024