Former EPA GOP Chiefs Try To Tell Senate GOP Climate Change Is Real

"WASHINGTON -– Four Republican former administrators of the Environmental Protection Agency had a message for the Senate on Wednesday on climate change: It's real, it's bad and the United States should do something about it.

But their fellow Republicans at the hearing largely ignored that position, instead repeating a variety of arguments about why the U.S. should not address the greenhouse gas emissions causing the planet to warm up.

The hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety focused on new EPA standards for reducing emissions from power plants. The standards, released on June 2, have been a major point of contention for congressional Republicans."

Kate Sheppard reports for the Huffington Post June 18, 2014.


"Republican Ex-EPA Chiefs Say It’S Time To Act on Climate Change" (McClatchy)

"4 Former Republican EPA Chiefs Laud Power Plant Rule in Senate Hearing" (Greenwire)

Source: Huffington Post, 06/19/2014