"Fossil Fuels, Fairness, Finance: Climate Fights To Watch In 2023"

"We asked experts which issues they think will – or should – turn up the heat in the climate conversation".

"LONDON - From huge floods in Pakistan and Nigeria to heatwaves in India and drought-fuelled hunger in the Horn of Africa, vulnerable countries faced mounting climate disasters in 2022.

That has made it much harder for wealthy nations – whose emissions have driven the crisis – to ignore the need for more financial help for those suffering the most in a warming world.

Last month, at the COP27 summit in Egypt, they agreed to create a fund to help communities on the frontline deal with growing "loss and damage" from climate change impacts."

Laurie Goering and Megan Rowling report for Thomson Reuters December 15, 2022.


Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 01/02/2023