Google To Cut Ties With Rightwing Lobby Group Over Climate 'Lies'

"Decision by search giant to sever link with American Legislative Exchange Council will boost UN climate campaign"

"The internet giant Google has announced it is to sever its ties with an influential rightwing lobbying network, the American Legislative Exchange Council, accusing it of 'lying' about climate change.

The move, ahead of a United Nations summit on climate change, delivered a victory to campaigners and the UN’s newly minted initiative to persuade companies to shun climate-denying business lobbies.

Google’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, told National Public Radio that the company had joined Alec, a lobby group that shares model legislation, for a campaign on an unrelated issue. But he said: 'I think the consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake, and so we’re trying to not do that in the future.'"

Suzanne Goldenberg reports for the Guardian September 22, 2014.


"Google Chairman: Giving Money To ALEC Was A 'Mistake'" (Huffington Post)

Source: Guardian, 09/23/2014