"Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That."

"President Biden made climate change a cornerstone of his agenda. Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to detail her own plan."

"In the 2020 presidential election, climate activists demanded that Democratic candidates explain, in detail, how they planned to tackle the planet’s greatest environmental threat.

But in the weeks since Vice President Kamala Harris ascended the 2024 Democratic ticket, she has mentioned climate change only in passing, and offered no specifics on how she would curb dangerous levels of warming. Climate leaders say they are fine with that.

“I am not concerned,” said Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington, who made climate change the centerpiece of his own 2019 bid for the presidency. Mr. Inslee said he believes it is more important for Ms. Harris to draw a distinction between her and her Republican rival, former President Donald J. Trump, than to drill down on policy nitty-gritty.

“I am totally confident that when she is in a position to effect positive change, she will,” Gov. Inslee said."

Lisa Friedman reports for the New York Times August 21, 2024.


Source: NYTimes, 08/22/2024