"House GOP Unveils Energy Reform Package"

"House Republicans have unveiled a package of bills aimed at bringing the country’s energy infrastructure, reliability and other energy matters into the modern era.

The measure, from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, avoids some hot-button issues on Capitol Hill, such as repealing the ban on exporting crude oil, in an attempt to construct a package that could attract broad support.

After unveiling the package Monday night, the committee announced that its subcommittee on energy and power will start to consider and vote on four sections of the bill Wednesday."

Timothy Cama reports for The Hill July 21, 2015.


"House GOP Holds Off on Crude Exports -- for Now" (E&E Daily)

"Senate Energy Chief Pushing for Broad Energy Bill By August" (Washington Examiner)

"Sweeping Energy Bills Could Come Next Week" (Washington Examiner)

Source: The Hill, 07/22/2015