"Results show a new reflective coating can reduce indoor temperature by between 1.2 and 1.7 degrees Celsius"
"In the informal settlements of India’s western Gujarat state, hundreds of roofs have been painted in a reflective, white coating over the last two months to try to keep their occupants cooler as the hottest time of year approaches.
The effort, which involves 400 households in Ahmedabad, is part of a global scientific trial to study how indoor heat affects people’s health and economic outcomes in developing countries – and how “cool roofs” might help.
“Traditionally, home is where people have come to find shelter and respite against external elements,” said Aditi Bunker, an epidemiologist at the University of Heidelberg in Switzerland who is leading the project, supported by the UK-based Wellcome Trust."
Amit Dave, Gloria Dickie and Shilpa Jamkhandikar report for Reuters March 10, 2025.