Interior Approves Shell Arctic Spill Response Plan

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Federal offshore drilling regulators on Wednesday approved Shell Oil's spill response plan for exploratory drilling in the Beaufort Sea, drawing strong criticism from environmental groups that claim oil companies cannot clean up oil in ice-choked waters."

"The announcement by the Interior Department's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said the decision followed the agency's thorough review of the plan for Arctic Ocean waters off Alaska's north coast. The agency in February approved Shell's oil spill response plan for the Chukchi Sea off Alaska's northwest coast.

Shell hopes to drill exploratory wells in both locations during the summer open-water season using separate drilling ships. Shell Alaska spokesman Curtis Smith said in an email that the approval is a major milestone."

Dan Joling reports for the Associated Press March 28, 2012.


"Interior Approves Shell Spill-Response Plan for Beaufort" (Greenwire)

Source: AP, 03/29/2012