"Keystone Pipeline's Southern Section Begins Delivering Oil To Gulf"

"A large section of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline went into official operation Wednesday, in a move that supporters say will help ease the flow of oil to refineries in the Gulf Coast region. The Obama administration has yet to rule on the project's northern portion."

"The 487-mile pipeline, which cost $2.3 billion, began delivering crude oil to Texas refineries this morning, its owner, TransCanada, said on its website."

Bill Chappell reports for NPR January 22, 2014.


"Oil Starts Flowing Through Keystone XL Pipeline To Texas" (McClatchy Washington Bureau)

"Citizens With Cameras to Monitor TransCanada’s New Pipeline" (ENS)

"Texas Landowners Keep Watchful Eye On Keystone KL Pipeline" (NPR)

"TransCanada's Keystone XL South Pipeline Set To Begin Operations Today" (DeSmogBlog)

Source: NPR, 01/23/2014