Led by US, China, Diplomats Teeter on the Edge of a New Climate Regime

"LIMA, Peru -- A funny thing happened on the way to a 2015 climate deal: The wall dividing developed and developing countries crumbled.

It happened almost in an instant, as no one was really looking. And it certainly has not stopped pitched battles at U.N. global warming talks here over keeping it intact.

But, representatives from rich and poor nations alike said this week, the moment Chinese President Xi Jinping stood by President Obama in Beijing and vowed to peak carbon emissions without demanding aid for China or others in return, things changed."

Lisa Friedman reports for ClimateWire December 10, 2014.


"Don't Wreck Deal, US Warns, as Climate Talks Jam" (AFP)

"Kerry Intervenes in Stalled Lima Climate Talks" (Financial Times)

"Talks in Gridlock, Meet Head Says Let’s Not Leave Lima Empty Handed" (Indian Express)

"Strange Climate Event: Warmth Toward U.S." (New York Times)

"Climate Pact Draft Balloons To 52 Unworkable Pages During Lima Summit" (Climate Central)

"Crunch Time at UN Climate Talks; 20,000 March for Justice" (ENS)

"Lima Climate Talks: Old Divisions Surface Between Rich And Poor" (BBC News)

"Lima Climate Talks Agree on Just One Paragraph of Deal With 24 Hours Left" (Guardian)l

"With Lima climate talks entering critical period, Kerry tries to rally leaders to act" (Mashable)

Source: ClimateWire, 12/12/2014