"Special Panel Links C8 To Kidney, Testicular Cancer"

"VIENNA, W.Va. -- A team of experts revealed Monday that it has found a "probable link" between C8 and human cancers, rebuffing DuPont Co.'s longstanding contention that exposure to the chemical is harmless."

"The three-person C8 Science Panel said it is "more probable than not" that exposure to C8 put residents of the Mid-Ohio Valley at a greater risk of kidney and testicular cancers.

Panel members made those conclusions in the second set of significant findings in their six-year study of the DuPont Co. chemical.

Previously, the panel said there was a "probable link" between C8 exposure and dangerous high blood pressure among pregnant women. Panel members have said they found no link between exposure and some other conditions, including birth defects and other negative pregnancy outcomes, adult-onset diabetes, and more than a dozen other types of cancers."

Ken Ward Jr. reports for the Charleston Gazette April 16, 2012.


"Study: Probable Link Between Teflon Chemical and Cancer" (AP)

Source: Charleston Gazette, 04/17/2012