Tornadoes Shifting East In The US, Study Finds, Putting More People At Risk

"The apparent shift from the Plains to the South has perplexed researchers, who aren’t sure if the change is permanent and if climate change is playing a role."

"Fifty years ago, tornadoes in the United States were most common over the Great Plains. A bull’s eye of sorts covered parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. The term “Tornado Alley” entered the American lexicon.

But in the years since, that hot spot of tornadoes has shifted markedly east. Researchers have pointed to parts of the Deep South and Tennessee Valley as being the modern-day Tornado Alley.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology in April confirms the legitimacy of this shift and highlights a change in when tornadoes are likely to occur.

The results spell problems for residents of the Midwest and Southeast, where a higher population density and a greater prevalence of mobile homes lead to a more serious vulnerability to tornadoes."

Matthew Cappucci reports for the Washington Post June 9, 2024.


Source: Washington Post, 06/11/2024