"Zinke Projected To Win Republican Nomination for U.S. House in Montana"

"Ryan Zinke, a former Trump administration official, is projected to win the GOP nomination for Montana’s new U.S. House district, according to the Associated Press.

Zinke, the Interior Department secretary during the Trump presidency, won the Republican nomination with Donald Trump’s endorsement despite charges that he wasn’t as conservative as some of the other candidates and that his wife’s primary residence is in California. He will be heavily favored to win in November in a state Trump won by 16 points in 2020.

Zinke prevailed over four Republican primary opponents and seeks to represent the new 1st District in western Montana created during redistricting. Montana now has two seats in the House of Representatives."

Hannah Knowles reports for the Washington Post June 9, 2022.


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Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2022