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Friday, October 15, 2010
The University of Montana
32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812
Agenda | Registration | Lodging/Transportation | Exhibits/Receptions | Missoula | Coverage |
As a journalism organization that believes in an open society, SEJ each year welcomes a diverse group of attendees to our annual conference. Attendees include representatives of business, government and environmental groups, as well as working journalists, academics and students.
Because non-journalists are here, you may see or hear presentations or responses to presentations that you might not expect from mainstream journalists. The presentations and any responses do not necessarily reflect the views of SEJ or any of its members.
As our guest, you should respect our interest in open discussions of environmental issues by thanking all participants in sessions you attend and not disrupting presentations of views you disagree with.
Finally, please respect our rule that SEJ members are given preference during question-and-answer sessions.
All sessions, as well as registration, exhibits and breaks, will be on the
Third Floor of UM's University Center, 32 Campus Drive, unless otherwise indicated. Campus map.
Shuttle buses will run from all downtown hotels (Holiday Inn at the Park, Doubletree Hotel-Edgewater, and Holiday Inn Express) to the University Center beginning about 6:45 a.m. See your shuttle schedule for details. Walking is an option. See your walking directions for details.
Note: The conference agenda is a rough draft only. All information is subject to change. Please check back often for updates and information on event times, speakers, etc.
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sign up for Beat Dinners and Mini-tours at the nearby SEJ table. If you didn’t sign up ahead of time for the Saturday evening party, or Sunday morning breakfast, there may still be room — please check with registration.
Location: Grand Foyer, 3rd Floor, University Center
SEJ Information Table
Sign up here for Beat Dinners and Mini-tours. Find information about membership and services, pick up copies of SEJournal, TipSheet, FOI WatchDog, High Country News, and other publications.
Location: Grand Foyer, 3rd Floor, University Center
University of Montana Bookstore
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Visit our onsite bookstore, where you will find a variety of books for sale, published by SEJ members, invited speakers and University of Montana professors.
Location: Grand Foyer, 3rd Floor, University Center
Literature Space
Browse through the wealth of information in the foyers outside meeting rooms. Talk with experts about their hopes for new environmentally friendly innovations. Learn about educational opportunities. Add to your list of sources. And don't miss the tables in the Ballroom, where you'll find more literature to pick up and SEJ's Reading Room: SEJ members' work on display.
Buffet Breakfast
7:00 a.m.
Grab a plate and a cup of coffee and find a seat before the start of the plenary session.
Breakfast Plenary – American Treasures: The Future of the National Parks
7:30 - 8:45 a.m.
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Bald eagle. © UM photo by Todd Goodrich. |
America’s national park system is nearing its 100th anniversary with new momentum. Visitation is up, stimulus funding is paving roads and fixing historic buildings, and PBS filmmaker Ken Burns highlighted the system’s rich history last year. But challenges and controversies still loom: new rules allowing more guns in parks, billions in backlogged repairs, stalled plans to establish new parks, and a dearth of visitors from minority communities. What are the big national park stories ahead that reporters will find on their to-do lists? And how can we write them better? Coverage.
Moderator: Paul Rogers, Environment Writer, San Jose Mercury News and QUEST Managing Editor, KQED San Francisco
Dayton Duncan, Writer, Documentary Filmmaker, and Co-producer, "The National Parks: America's Best Idea"
Holly Fretwell, Research Fellow, Property and Environment Research Center, and Adjunct Instructor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University
Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Theresa Pierno, Executive Vice President, National Parks Conservation Association
Room: Ballroom, University Center
Opening Plenary — The Changing West
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Nobel laureate climate scientist |
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
The West is arguably the most dynamic region in the U.S., with the most obvious environmental and natural-resource issues, population growth and development impacts. Nobel laureate climate scientist Steve Running will kick off this plenary panel, explaining how climate change hits hardest in the West. Other speakers will explore big-picture trends in the vast federal lands that define the region, including wilderness and charismatic species, as well as tribes asserting their sovereignty rights over natural resources, and how the West also has cutting-edge conservation efforts focused on private land that provides habitat connectivity. We’ll address the question, if we can’t protect the environment here, where can we? Coverage.
Moderator: Jon Christensen, Executive Director, Bill Lane Center for the American West, Stanford University
Rebecca Miles, Executive Director, Nez Perce Tribe
Steven Running, Regents Professor and Director, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group, Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, University of Montana
Greg Schildwachter, Consultant, Watershed Results
Leslie Weldon, Regional Forester, Northern Region, U.S. Forest Service
Charles Wilkinson, Distinguished Professor, School of Law, University of Colorado at Boulder
Room: Ballroom, University Center
Beverage Break
10:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: Grand foyer and side foyer, 3rd floor, University Center
Concurrent Sessions 1
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Freelance Pitch Slam
Writers read compelling, exquisitely crafted pitches in 60 seconds to a panel of editors from highly respected magazines and websites. Editors then critique the queries — explaining why the story would or would not work in their publications — and offer tips for improving the pitch. Editors reveal which sections of the magazine are open to freelancers, and which are generally off limits. While editors are not prepared to make assignments on the spot, some of last year's pitches led to published stories. We encourage writers to craft their pitches in advance, with as much care as an actual e-mail query.
Moderator: Wendee Holtcamp, Freelance Conservation Writer and Photographer
Scott Dodd, Online Editor, OnEarth
Michael Lemonick, Senior Writer, Climate Central
John Mecklin, Editor-in-Chief, Miller-McCune and
Ray Ring, Senior Editor, High Country News and SEJ Conference Co-chair
Dan Smith, Editor, American Forests
Room: Theater, University Center
Follow the Money
After the Supreme Court's January 2010 Citizens United decision, money may reign as the supreme force in U.S. politics. The National Institute on Money in State Politics ( offers investigative reporters a crucial online tool for uncovering the often-corrupting connections between big money and political power. In this hands-on training session, we will explore how to build local stories from campaign spending data. We'll also look at other key databases, such as those of the Center for Responsive Politics (, to address campaign spending at the federal level too.
Moderator: Joseph Davis, Freelance Journalist and WatchDog Project Director/TipSheet Editor, Society of Environmental Journalists
Speaker: Ed Bender, Executive Director, National Institute on Money in State Politics
Room: Computer Lab 009, Don Anderson Hall, School of Journalism
Conservation Easements and Private Land Protection
Montana is a leading state for the use of conservation easements and other deals to protect private land from subdivisions and other development. About a million acres of Montana's private land are under easements already, and conservation groups are working with ranchers, other landowners and agencies on some of the biggest deals in the country. These include the Blackfoot Challenge and the $500-million-plus Montana Legacy Project, which are working with the Plum Creek Timber Company to protect more than 300,000 acres. Hear our panel of experts explain the benefits, costs and how they work the deals. Coverage.
Moderator: Perry Backus, Senior Reporter, Ravalli Republic (Hamilton, MT)
Caroline Byrd, Western Montana Program Director, The Nature Conservancy
Wendy Ninteman, Western Program Director, Land Trust Alliance
Mark Rose, National Program Manager, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Room: 326/327, University Center
Population, Consumption and Climate Change
The number of people on this planet is expected to increase from 6.9 billion to at least 9 billion by 2050. And that's at the same time when experts believe we must cut human-generated greenhouse gas emissions at least in half to avoid tipping into a warmer world of floods, droughts and other climate-related catastrophes. How much of the rising emissions can be attributed to ever-increasing human consumption? How much can be chalked up to population growth, most of which will come in the developing world? What, if anything, can be done about it? A panel of experts will explain the coming demographic trends, how to approach the taboo topic of human population growth and guide us through the data smog. Coverage.
Moderator: Ken Weiss, Environmental Writer, Los Angeles Times
Jianguo (Jack) Liu, Director, Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability; Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability; and University Distinguished Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
Laurie Mazur, Director, Population Justice Project
Brian O'Neill, Scientist III, Institute for the Study of Society and Environment, National Center for Atmospheric Research
New Study Finds Lower Population Growth Could Cut Carbon Emissions: Lead Author Presents at SEJ 2010, New Security Beat blog, October 15, 2010, by Meaghan Parker.
Room: 330/331, University Center
Tar Sands from Alberta to Missoula and Beyond
The Gulf oil spill turned the gaze of many northwards in the belief that the Alberta oilsands may be a more benign source of energy. But award-winning aquatics ecologist David Schindler has recently waded into the debate on this issue, publishing studies he says link oilsands development to deteriorating water quality in northeastern Alberta. Environmental impacts like this translate into financial risk for investors, some say. But the Alberta government and industry dispute these claims, saying the resource is being managed in an environmentally responsible manner. Coverage.
Moderator: Hanneke Brooymans, Environment Reporter, Edmonton Journal
Janet Annesley, Vice President, Communications, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Peter Hodson, Professor, Department of Biology, School of Environmental Studies, Queen's University
Andrew Logan, Director, Oil & Gas Industry Program, CERES
Preston McEachern, Section Head of Science, Research and Innovation, Alberta Environment
Room: 332/333, University Center
Covering Reproductive Health and the Environment
Hormone-mimicking substances are all around us. Traces are found in our cosmetics, plastics, and foods. What does this mean for our reproductive health? Some scientific evidence suggests that exposure to environmental pollutants, particularly in the womb, can alter fertility, trigger breast cancer, reduce sperm counts and lead to other female and male reproductive health problems. We talk to experts to learn about the latest science as well as hear the thoughts of a women's health advocate. Coverage.
Moderator: Marla Cone, Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Health News
Erin Thompson Switalski, Executive Director, Women's Voices for the Earth
Tracey Woodruff, Director, Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, University of California, San Francisco
Third speaker TBA
Room: 210, Don Anderson Hall, School of Journalism
Environmentalists Split Over Wilderness Deals
Wilderness advocates have been locked in a long stalemate with multiple-use advocates, off-road drivers and the timber industry over the future of public lands in the West. In recent years, some wilderness groups in the West have formed partnerships with their former foes to try to break the deadlock. The results are collaborative proposals that typically exchange new wilderness designations for more development on other public lands. Billed as home-grown compromises, these legislative proposals have a tough road in Congress. This panel will explore the political forces at work and the wider implications for public-land management. Coverage.
Moderator: John Adams, Capitol Bureau Chief, Great Falls Tribune
Tim Baker, Legislative Campaign Director, Montana Wilderness Association
George Nickas, Executive Director, Wilderness Watch
Martin Nie, Professor of Natural Resource Policy, College of Forestry and Conservation, and Co-author, "Place-based Legislation as Method of Resolving Multiple-Use Conflicts on National Forests," University of Montana
Room: 329 (Board Room), University Center
Network Lunch and Breakout Session
12:15 - 2:00 p.m.
Enjoy an informal discussion on any of the topics listed below. Just grab your lunch and locate the discussion of your choice.
Concurrent with the small-group discussions, the following breakout session is first-come, first-served. Pick up your lunch and beverage in the ballroom and head to the nearby Theater (the Theater seats 300).
What is the Smart Grid?
Grab a lunch and sit back for a multimedia presentation about the smart grid, peak loads and our future energy options with presenter Peter Christensen of the Pacific Northwest National Lab. Christensen and his PNNL colleagues are national leaders in designing smart grid technology and measuring its value, particularly when it comes to shaping power demand. Such "demand response" technology could keep the dirtiest power plants off-line, and facilitate the integration of renewable energy. But like most smart grid tech it will take better buy-in from both consumers and policymakers.
Moderator: Peter Fairley, Freelance Journalist
Speaker: Peter Christensen, Energy Research Manager, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Location: Theater, University Center
- Gulf Oil Spill: Dispersants, Distribution, and Data Overload. Susan Booker, Environmental Health Perspectives; Christopher D'Elia, Louisiana State University; Claire Paris-Limouzy, University of Miami [Note: This table will be filmed for later use by the science and journalism communities.]
- Carbon Trading in North America: What's Next? Gloria Gonzalez, Environmental Finance Publications (Americas Editor); Ann Bartuska, U.S. Forest Service
- Low-Carbon Fuels: Reducing Greenhouse Gases in Transportation. John Addison, Clean Fleet Report
- Hydro-Fracking, Water Supplies and Natural Gas Extraction. Valerie Brown, Freelance Writer; John Evans, Montana Tech at The University of Montana
- Turning a Typical House into an Energy-Saver (tour of a university project). Christine Woodside, Freelance Writer; Len Broberg, Univ. of Montana [Note: Pick up your box lunch in the ballroom and meet at the table for a quick lunch and overview. Participants will then take a 10-minute walk to tour the project]
- Appropriate Technology: From North American Start-Ups to the Developing World. Tyghe Trimble, Popular Mechanics
- Human Health in a Warming World: Disease, Disasters, and Antidotes. Daniel Ferber, Independent Journalist and Author
- The Decimation of North American Conifers by Beetles. Eve Byron, Helena, MT Independent Record; Nancy Sturdevant, U.S. Forest Service
- Recycling Our Organic Waste Stream in a Contaminated World. Dan Sullivan, BioCycle magazine
- Bee-deviled Pollinators: Colony Collapse Disorder. Janet Raloff, Science News; Colin Henderson, Univ. of Montana
- What's That in Your Yard? Re-Wilding the Suburbs. Jennifer Weeks, Freelance Journalist
- Nature Films and Photos: How Real Are They? Roger Archibald, SEJournal Photo Editor; Janet Rose, International Wildlife Media Center (Missoula)
- An Ancient Lake and the Flood that Shaped Northwestern Plains. Nadia White, Univ. of Montana; Jim Shelden, Ice Age Floods Institute, Glacial Lake Missoula Chapter [Note: Pick up your box lunch in the ballroom, meet at the table for orientation, then take a hike to the scenic overlook at the "Missoula M". Hike is 1.5 miles roundtrip with an elevation gain of 600+ feet].
- Wildlife Trafficking: The Undercover Crime Wave in Your Backyard. Laurel Neme, Author; Craig Welch, Seattle Times
- Wild, Wild Horses: Drag Your Chair This Way. Chuck Quirmbach, Wisconsin Public Radio
- The National Ripple Effect of Katrina Levee Failures. Mark Schleifstein, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune
- Indigenous and Western Science: Can We Bridge the Divide? Lisa Kerscher, WorldWide IDEA; Michael Ceballos, Native American Research Laboratories, Univ. of Montana
- Greenwashing: The Spin, the Truth and How to Tell the Difference. Beth Daley, The Boston Globe; Ken Cook, Environmental Working Group
- Environmental Justice and the EPA. Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; Samantha Phillips Beers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Robin Saha, Univ. of Montana
- Access Denied: Hassles Filming and Reporting on Public Lands. Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun; Jeffrey Olson, National Park Service; Leo Kay, U.S. Forest Service; Robin Giner, Outdoor Writers Association of America
- From Idea to Published Book: Share Your Tips and Tricks. Nancy Bazilchuk, Author and Freelance Journalist; Frances Backhouse, Author and Freelance Journalist
- Should SEJ Refocus in this Fickle Economy? Christy George, SEJ President; Peter Thomson, SEJ Secretary
- SEJ Miami 2011. Jeff Burnside, Conference Chair, SEJ Board Member, and WTVJ-TV, NBC (Miami, FL); Blyth Daylong, Univ. of Miami
- SEJ 2012, Texas Tech. Randy Loftis, Conference Chair and Dallas Morning News
Location: Ballroom, University Center
Concurrent Sessions 2
2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Working with Citizen Journalists and Community Contributors
News doesn't just come from newsrooms. These days, citizen journalists and other community members are publishing their own news, information, analysis, and commentary — and many news organizations, journalists, and journalism schools are learning how to cooperate and collaborate with this expanding part of the media landscape, from the local to global level. Rather than extend the tired, pointless debate about whether citizen journalists are good/bad for journalism, this session accepts from the premise that these voices are here, and likely here to stay. So: What value can they offer? How can news professionals work with them in ways that benefit everyone? We'll also explore the strategies, skills, and tools that can make this cooperation succeed: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, training, packaging, distribution, positioning, workflow, clear communication, respectfully bridging cultures, and more. Coverage.
Moderator: Amy Gahran, Writer/Editor/Trainer
Jule Banville, Editor,
Emily Gertz, Journalist & Editor, and Correspondent, OnEarth Magazine
Dan Gunderson, Reporter, Minnesota Public Radio
Peggy Kuhr, Dean, School of Journalism, University of Montana
Room: Theater, University Center
Three Environmentalists Walk into a Bar... A Humor Workshop
It's the most compelling, sober and terrifying story of our time: the disintegration of our habitat through global warming, toxic pollution, invasive species, and over-consumptive behavior. Of course people just want to go numb and turn away from the horror. How do we as storytellers reach our audience? Could humor be the key? Can the heaviest subject imaginable actually be treated… lightly? We'll share some shining examples of humor in environmental storytelling, then discuss some of the complexities involved in tackling those stories. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to use humor in your content as a means of capturing readers' and users' attention. Coverage.
Mary Bruno, Executive Editor, Grist Magazine
Jim Poyser, Managing Editor, NUVO Newsweekly and Co-founder, The ApocaDocs
Room: 329 (Board Room), University Center
Using Google Maps
Of the five Ws of journalism, perhaps the most important in environmental reporting is the where. Learn to map single points or selected pieces of large datasets like the Toxics Release Inventory. This session is a primer in leveraging Google maps for environmental journalism. Participants should have a (free) Google account, but if they don't, can sign up quickly for one in the lab.
Presenter: Dave Poulson, Associate Director, Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, Michigan State University
Room: Computer Lab 009, Don Anderson Hall, School of Journalism
A Water Primer: Pollution, Rights, Species and Utilities
Who's legally (or illegally) discharging pollution into your local water? What gaps exist in the Clean Water Act and Safe Water Drinking Act? Who does your region's groundwater belong to? How can the Endangered Species Act trump (or not) water rights? How well is your city managing its water supply? Come away with story ideas for investigating, understanding and writing about those issues and more about the water in your backyard. Coverage.
Moderator: Rob Davis, Reporter, Voice of San Diego
Michelle Bryan Mudd, Assistant Professor, School of Law, University of Montana
Tom Henry, Environmental Writer and Columnist, The (Toledo) Blade
Laura Lundquist, Reporter, Twin Falls Times-News
Room: 326/327, University Center
The Business of Climate Change
We aren't likely to get a comprehensive U.S. energy/climate bill. And the U.N.'s next global meeting on climate change (Cancun, Mexico, December 2010) isn't likely to produce results either. But some business leaders are already planning for a different kind of future that takes sustainability into account. This future isn't going to be business as usual. Why? Coverage.
Moderator: Elizabeth Tucker, Senior Editor for Washington - Sustainability, Marketplace
Peter Höppe, Head of Geo Risks Research/Corporate Climate Centre, Munich Re
Mark Newton, Director of Sustainable Business, Dell
Sarah Severn, Director of Stakeholder Mobilization, NIKE, Inc.
Room: 330/331, University Center
Covering Western Coal: Surface Mining Beyond Appalachia
Mountaintop removal in Appalachian states gets a lot of attention, but huge surface mines in the West produce a lot more coal. Wyoming alone digs more coal every year than all Appalachian states combined. What are the impacts from this mining, most of which occurs on public land? Some environmental groups are starting to fight leases for these mines. Others are objecting to new coal-hauling railroads, saying plans for such projects don't properly analyze coal's impacts on climate change. Meanwhile, EPA is being encouraged to write new air pollution regulations to deal with huge toxic clouds of dust Western strip mines generate. Coverage.
Moderator: Don Hopey, Environment Reporter, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Jenny Harbine, Staff Attorney, Earthjustice
Marion Loomis, Executive Director, Wyoming Mining Association
Thomas Power, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Montana; and Consulting Economist, Power Consulting
Room: 332/333, University Center
Midterm Elections and the Environment
From the Supreme Court's January decision on corporate campaign spending, to the Gulf disaster and climate bill failure, the environment may play a larger role in this year's elections than ever before. And, what will it mean for environmental issues if, as predicted by many, the Republicans take over one or both chambers of Congress? Come hear where the environmental hot spots are for both Congressional elections and referendums from the folks who are tracking these issues around the country. Coverage.
Moderator: Christy George, Independent Producer, Portland, Oregon, and SEJ President
Frank Maisano, Senior Principal, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Tony Massaro, Senior Vice President for Political Affairs, League of Conservation Voters
Room: 316, Don Anderson Hall, School of Journalism
Afternoon Plenary — Lessons From the Gulf
3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
An oiled gannet is cleaned at the Theodore Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center June 17, 2010. The center in Theodore is one of four wildlife rehabilitation centers established in support of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Colin White. |
What went wrong and why? And, most important, can we prevent another incident like this in the future? We'll hear top Administration officials and industry and environmental advocates tell their sides of the story, as well as discuss what the future holds for off-shore oil drilling, in particular, and the fossil fuel industry, in general. Coverage.
Moderator: Mark Schleifstein, Staff Writer, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune
Christopher D'Elia, Dean, School for Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University
Kyle Isakower, Vice President of Regulatory and Economic Policy, American Petroleum Institute
Jane Lubchenco, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Doug Rader, Chief Oceans Scientist, Oceans Programs, Environmental Defense Fund
Room: Ballroom, University Center
Membership Meeting
5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
With journalism and the economy posing challenges to all of us — even to SEJ itself — it's vital that all members attend this annual meeting. This is your chance to get up to speed on what SEJ is doing in your name, and let SEJ leaders hear from you. Candidates for the board will give brief statements before the polls open for the election. Snacks and cash bar provided!
Room: 330-333, University Center
Beat Dinners
7:00 p.m. - whenever
The Garden City offers a delightful variety of place-based or other surprising food to satisfy anyone's taste buds. Join us as we explore important environmental issues while noshing on the best that historic downtown Missoula has to offer, from "immigrant-style" Italian and gourmet vegetarian to buffalo burgers and juicy Montana prime rib.
All restaurants listed below are within walking distance of the downtown hotels (the list is also in your conference materials, or see the SEJ Information table). Dress code is casual. Pay for your own meal.
ADVANCE SIGN-UP REQUIRED! Sign up for the dinner of your choice at the SEJ Information Table. Sorry, no wait list.
Please select your dinner group carefully. Notify your dinner leader immediately if you are unable to attend and cross your name off the sign-up sheet.
Pick up a detailed map with walking directions to each restaurant from each of the conference hotels. Maps are available at the Beat Dinner sign-up table and at the front desk of each conference hotel. You will need to meet your group at the restaurant assigned to its dinner. Reservations are for 7:15 p.m.
All prices are for entrees only. Any side dishes, tax, tip, and drinks are separate. Some restaurants may not issue separate checks. Be prepared to keep track of the cost of your meal.
Please tip your servers well. ENJOY!
- Getting the Great Science Story While Everyone Else Settles for Plain Ol' Good. Dan Fagin, New York University. Finn and Porter, 100 Madison St (at the Doubletree-Edgewater), 406-542-4660. American, $29-39. Max. group: 12
- Does BP Funding Stain Research on the Oil Spill? Janet Raloff, Science News; Christopher D'Elia, Louisiana State University; Steven Pennings, University of Houston. The Depot, 201 W. Railroad St., 406-728-7007. American, $17-40. Max. group: 12
- Science and Nature Writing for Kids: Why Do It? Jennifer Weeks, Freelance Journalist; Jude Isabella, Peter Piper Publishing. Ciao Mambo, 541 South Higgins Avenue, 406-543-0377. Italian, $9-24. Max. group: 10
- A Hidden Polar Story: Plundering the World’s Last Great Marine Resources. Cassandra Brooks, Freelance Science Writer and Contract Marine Scientist. Ciao Mambo, 541 South Higgins Avenue, 406-543-0377. Italian, $9-24. Max. group: 10
- Wild Plants, Health and the Environment. Orna Izakson, Naturopathic Doctor and Freelance Reporter. Scotty’s Table, 131 South Higgins Avenue, 406-549-2790. American Bistro, $12-31. Max group: 10
- Making Freelancing Work — New Markets, Multimedia, Multiple Sales. Karen Schaefer, Freelance Journalist and Independent Radio Producer; Meera Subramanian, Freelance Journalist and Online Literary Magazine Editor. The Depot, 201 W. Railroad St., 406-728-7007. American, $17-40. Max group: 24. Resource list.
- Catch Shares, Gulf Oil Spill, and Other Ocean News; Talk with NOAA Chief Jane Lubchenco. Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun; Jane Lubchenco, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Depot, 201 W. Railroad St., 406-728-7007. American, $17-40. Max group: 32
- Biomimicry: Emulating Nature for Better Human Design. Christine Heinrichs, Freelance Writer; Chris Allen, The Biomimicry Institute. Scotty’s Table, 131 South Higgins Avenue, 406-549-2790. American Bistro, $12-31. Max group: 10
- Climate Change and the Future of Rocky Mountain Fish. Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; Bob Gresswell, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center. Pearl, 231 East Front Street, 406-541-0231. American Bistro, $20-38. Max group: 10
- Mapping a Dwindling Supply: The USGS and a National Water Census. Rob Davis, Voice of San Diego; Bill Werkheiser, U.S. Geological Survey. Ciao Mambo, 541 South Higgins Avenue, 406-543-0377. Italian, $9-24. Max. group: 10
- A Wild Night at the Historic Roxy Theater. Dennis Dimick, National Geographic magazine; Janet Rose, International Wildlife Media Center (Missoula). Roxy Theater, 718 S Higgins Ave, 406-728-9380. Pizza, Salad, Beer & Wine, $25/person, includes everything. Settle in at a historic theater for dinner and screenings of award-winning wildlife films: "Snow Leopard: Return of the Myth" (Best of Festival); "Wolverine, Chasing the Phantom" (33rd IWFF Award Winner); and "Sun Come Up" (Montana CINE Best of Festival, Special Sneak Preview). Max group: 50
Wednesday, October 13
Thursday, October 14
Saturday, October 16
Sunday, October 17
**NOTE: © Montage artwork on all conference pages courtesy Margaret Emerson.