
Features banner


SEJournal's regular Features section cover a wide-range of environmentally related topics in a variety of formats, including essays, first-hand accounts of reporting work, news analysis and opinion.

For questions and comments, to suggest future Features or to offer to write one, email SEJournal Associate Editor Frances Backhouse at sejournaleditor@sej.org.

June 1, 2016

March 1, 2016

  • “Gasland” filmmaker Josh Fox is back with what may be the longest film title in recent documentary history — “How to Let Go of the World (and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change).” And it looks like another game-changer. JoAnn Valenti reviews the film

September 1, 2015

  • The Guardian's James Randerson explains how his newspaper came to launch its 'Keep it in the Ground' campaign, backing the global fossil fuel divestment movement — and how, rather than constraining the paper journalistically, the project provided a connection to readers that goes far beyond a click on a website.

June 1, 2015
