"EPA: Barnstorming The States: 'Pruitt Does Not Want Open Press'"
"In the days before U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's trip to North Dakota last August, spokesman Jahan Wilcox had a unique request for local talk radio host Scott Hennen."
"In the days before U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's trip to North Dakota last August, spokesman Jahan Wilcox had a unique request for local talk radio host Scott Hennen."
"Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) criticized Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt for holding a closed-door meeting during a trip to the state last week."
"CANNON BALL, N.D. -- All but a few dozen of the last holdouts from a months-long mass protest against a proposed oil pipeline in North Dakota peacefully vacated their riverside camp as an eviction deadline passed on Wednesday."
"In at least four states, encampments built as bases for pipeline resistance have emerged." They include the Trans-Pecos Pipeline, the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, the Sabal Trail Pipeline, and the Pilgrim Pipeline.
"The governor of North Dakota ordered protesters on Wednesday to evacuate a demonstration camp near the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline in the latest move to clear the area that has served as a base for opposition to the multibillion dollar project."