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120,000+ US Sites Feared To Handle Harmful PFAS ‘Forever’ Chemicals

"The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified more than 120,000 locations around the US where people may be exposed to a class of toxic “forever chemicals” associated with various cancers and other health problems that is a frightening tally four times larger than previously reported, according to data obtained by the Guardian."

Source: Guardian, 10/18/2021

"Minnesota Issues Plan To Treat Water Marred By 3M Chemicals"

"Minnesota pollution control and natural resources officials on Wednesday released a $700 million plan to improve the drinking water for 14 Twin Cities communities whose groundwater was contaminated due to decadeslong chemical disposal by 3M Co."

Source: AP, 08/19/2021

"Manufacturers Make PFAS-Free Food Packaging Recipe Available To All"

"Two American manufacturers unveiled a new recipe on Thursday for PFAS and plastics-free packaging for everything from burgers to salads, in a bid to make takeout food more sustainable and safer for consumers. While the companies—Zume and Solenis—are not the first to design a grease-resistant, PFAS-free food container, this is the first time that manufacturers have open-sourced such packaging technology."

Source: EHN, 08/13/2021

"Group Cites Chemical Concerns At Military Sites Near Bay"

"The groundwater of at least nine military installations near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia is contaminated with high levels of toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals,” according to a report Wednesday by an environmental group that cites Defense Department records."

Source: AP, 08/13/2021
