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"5 Governors Push Presidential Candidates To Aid Great Lakes"

"Five Democratic governors of states in the Great Lakes region Monday urged the candidates in next year’s presidential election to support a plan for safeguarding their shared waters by boosting federal spending on treatment plants and environmental cleanups."

Source: AP, 07/30/2019

"Wisconsin Battles Waste Plants That Spread Hazardous PFAS"

"Wisconsin wastewater plants were built to keep pollutants out of the environment, but state regulators have come to realize the facilities may be spreading hazardous industrial chemicals in ways that increase health risks."

Source: AP, 07/01/2019

"3M Knew About PFAS Food Contamination in 2001"

"Last week, we learned that the Food and Drug Administration had detected PFAS compounds in pineapple, sweet potato, meat, and chocolate cake. ... [I]t has become clear that 3M, the company that originally developed PFOS and PFOA, had known for a very long time that these toxic and persistent chemicals were in our food."

Source: The Intercept, 06/14/2019

"FDA Food Testing Finds Contamination By ‘Forever Chemicals’"

"The Food and Drug Administration’s first broad testing of food for a worrisome class of nonstick, stain-resistant industrial compounds found substantial levels in some grocery store meats and seafood and in off-the-shelf chocolate cake, according to unreleased findings FDA researchers presented at a scientific conference in Europe."

Source: AP, 06/04/2019
