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"Lawmakers, 13 Bills Seek Answers to Nonstick Chemical Pollution"

"Lawmakers have been laying the groundwork for months to come up with solutions to a growing headache for water providers in all corners of the U.S.

House members are meeting today to discuss a strategy for moving through Congress over a dozen bills on pollution from poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)—chemicals linked to thyroid and liver problems, cancer, and immune system deficiencies.

The problem is enormous.

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/15/2019

"Internal Documents Show 3M Hid PFAS Dangers For Decades"

"A 3M environmental specialist, in a scathing resignation letter, accused company officials of being 'unethical' and more 'concerned with markets, legal defensibility and image over environmental safety' when it came to PFAS, the emerging contaminant causing a potential crisis throughout Michigan and the country."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 05/10/2019
