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"‘Faulty’ Science Used By Trump Appointees To Cut Owl Habitat"

"Political appointees in the Trump administration relied on faulty science to justify stripping habitat protections for the imperiled northern spotted owl, U.S. wildlife officials said Tuesday as they struck down a rule that would have opened millions of acres of West Coast forest to potential logging."

Source: AP, 11/10/2021

Biden FWS Finalizes Rule Protecting Migratory Birds, Reversing Trump

"The Biden administration finalized a rule Wednesday revoking a Trump administration policy that eased penalties for killing birds, restoring federal protections that had been in place for a century." "The move restores protections under the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which imposes penalties for unintentionally causing bird deaths through drilling, construction and other activities".


Source: Washington Post, 09/30/2021
