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Sage Grouse: "Bye-Bye, Birdie"

"Before lawmakers could agree to a $1.1 trillion, last-minute deal to avoid shutting down the U.S. government, they first had to deal with a couple of birds."

Source: Politico, 12/12/2014

"US Names Red Knot Bird a Threatened Species"

"A rust-colored shorebird known for a nearly 20,000-mile migration will now receive federal protection, setting the stage for states to coordinate preservation plans for the dwindling species."

Source: AP, 12/10/2014

Maryland: "Counties' Ambitious Stream Restoration Projects Stir Debate"

"Whitemarsh Run looks a mess, more a construction site than a stream. With its flow temporarily dammed and diverted, a track hoe is carving out a new, more sinuous channel for the badly degraded waterway running through a built-up patch of northeastern Baltimore County. New banks are being built, armored in places with granite boulders — all part of a $13 million makeover that's intended to help clean up the nearby Bird River and the Chesapeake Bay."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 11/17/2014

"31 Species of Migratory Animals Given UN Protection"

"Polar bears, whales, sharks, rays and gazelles were among 31 new species granted new protection status by a UN conservation body, following six days of intense talks by leading conservationists in Quito, Ecuador."

Source: AFP, 11/10/2014
