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"Senators Back Solar Tariffs, Oppose Prairie Bird Safeguards"

"The Senate approved a measure Wednesday that would reinstate tariffs on solar panel imports from several Southeast Asian countries after President Joe Biden paused them in a bid to boost solar installations in the U.S. Lawmakers also approved a separate plan to undo federal protections for the lesser prairie chicken...."

Source: AP, 05/04/2023

"Unheralded Environmentalist: Jimmy Carter’s Green Legacy"

"With the former president now in hospice care, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Kai Bird looks back on Jimmy Carter’s environmental record in the White House — from his sweeping protection of Alaska’s wild lands to his efforts to push the nation toward renewable energy."

Source: YaleE360, 04/03/2023

Opinion: "I Am Haunted by What I Have Seen at Great Salt Lake"

"From a distance, it is hard to tell whether the three figures walking the salt playa are human, bird or some other animal. Through binoculars, I see they are pelicans, juveniles, gaunt and emaciated without water or food. In feathered robes, they walk with the focus of fasting monks toward enlightenment or death."

Source: NYTimes, 03/28/2023

"Audubon Keeps Name Tied To Enslaver, Roils Staff"

"The National Audubon Society announced Wednesday that it’s keeping its name, following a lengthy internal debate and pressure from staff to sever ties to its namesake, bird artist and enslaver John James Audubon."

Source: E&E News, 03/16/2023

"Scientists Investigate a Bird Flu Outbreak in Seals"

"Last summer, the highly contagious strain of avian influenza that had been spreading through North American birds made its way into marine mammals, causing a spike in seal strandings along the coast of Maine. In June and July, more than 150 dead or ailing seals washed ashore."

Source: NYTimes, 03/16/2023
