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"API Disputes African-American Health Study, Cites Genetics"

"The American Petroleum Institute, the nation's largest oil and gas trade organization, is dismissing the findings of a study on the risks facing African Americans who live near oil and gas facilities, saying that health disparities may be caused by other factors instead, including 'genetics.'"

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/21/2017

New Analysis: EPA Is Ignoring A Lot Of Toxics in US Drinking Water

The law and regulations make it hard for the U.S. EPA to regulate new chemicals in drinking water. A lot of testing is required to show the chemical is harmful and found widely in water. New analysis of existing data shows a family of chemicals that includes perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, may be doing much more harm than EPA admits.

Source: Quartz, 11/21/2017
