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"Special Report: Lead Poisoning Lurks In Scores Of New York Areas"

"In public health circles, New York City is known for its long war on lead poisoning. ... A 2004 housing law targeted 'elimination' of childhood lead poisoning within six years.... Yet inspectors didn’t visit the Brooklyn apartment where Barbara Ellis lived until after her twin daughters tested high for lead three years in a row, she said."

Source: Reuters, 11/15/2017

Trump’s EPA Chemical Safety Pick May Be Too Toxic Even for Republicans

The GOP-controlled Senate has already shown it will confirm Environmental Protection Agency leaders with massive conflicts of interest. "Yet Michael Dourson, the industry scientist Trump nominated to head EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, may be unable to clear even this low bar." Some of the opposition is from red states.

Source: The Intercept, 11/15/2017

"An Open Door for Pesticide Lobbyists at the U.S.D.A."

"At a private meeting in September, congressional aides asked Rebeckah Adcock, a top official at the Department of Agriculture, to reveal the identities of the people serving on the deregulation team she leads at the agency."

Source: NY Times, 11/15/2017
