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"As 'Frack Hits' Grew in Alberta, Regulators Stepped in"

Sometimes hydraulic fracturing of underground shale formations to produce oil and gas goes awry. Pumping fluids into formations at high pressure to release hydrocarbons can cause oil, gas, and toxic liquids to spew from old abandoned wells.

Source: EnergyWire, 01/08/2014

"Agencies Considering Major Chemical Plant Safety Overhaul"

"An interagency panel created to weigh new chemical safety regulations in response to last April’s deadly explosion in Texas is considering a major overhaul of the way volatile substances are handled and stored, a new federal document shows."

Source: The Hill, 01/07/2014

New York: "State Critical Of PCB Proposal"

"FORT EDWARD, N.Y. -- A report by General Electric asserting that it does not expect to do further PCB dredging of the Hudson River — to include the impaired Champlain Canal — drew muted criticism Tuesday from the state, which is still deciding whether extra dredging is needed."

Source: Albany Times Union, 01/03/2014
