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"EPA Warns of PCB Risks in Schools"

"Federal authorities are urging schools across the U.S. to replace the electrical components in older light fixtures to reduce the threat of contamination from potentially cancer-causing chemicals."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 12/30/2010

"Salinas, California: The Salad Bowl of Pesticides"

Alarm bells are being set off by a new study of the families of California farm workers exposed to pesticides. It finds much higher levels of pervasive developmental disorder among children of mothers exposed to higher levels of neurotoxicant organophosphate pesticides.

Source: AOLNews, 12/23/2010

EPA Urges Testing for Hexavalent Chromium in Tap Water

"The Environmental Protection Agency is suggesting that water utilities nationwide test their drinking water for hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen, after an independent survey released earlier this week found the chemical in tap water drawn from 31 cities."

Source: Wash Post, 12/23/2010
