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"A Glut of Mercury Raises Fears"

As U.S. chlorine plants convert to cleaner technology, they are leaving behind large stocks of mercury. There is a danger that mercury will find its way to dangerous and polluting uses on the global market. Efforts to ban mercury export have not been effective.

Source: Wash Post, 11/17/2009

"Report: Pollutants in D.C. Area Drinking Water"

"A nonprofit organization that monitors the health of the Potomac River said Wednesday that a condition causing abnormalities in fish should serve as an urgent warning to rehabilitate the waterway that provides 90 percent of the D.C. area's drinking water."

Source: Washington Times, 11/12/2009

"High BPA Levels Linked To Male Sexual Problems"

"Exposure to high levels of a controversial chemical found in thousands of everyday plastic products appears to cause erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems in men, according to a new study published Wednesday."

Source: Wash Post, 11/11/2009

Minnesota Conducts Its Own Review of Atrazine

Within weeks, Minnesota state agencies will be releasing a study on the safety of atrazine, a weedkiller widely used by corn growers. The Minnesota results will come as the U.S. EPA undertakes yet another review of its own.

Source:, 11/06/2009

"EPA To Impose Standards on PVC Plant Emissions"

"The Environmental Protection Agency will set new nationwide emission standards for makers of polyvinyl chloride, commonly known as the plastic PVC, under a settlement with environmental groups announced Thursday."

Source: AP, 11/06/2009
