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"Senate Panel Votes To End Oil Spill Liability Cap"

"Congress on Wednesday took major steps to rein in Big Oil's offshore drilling practices, as one Senate panel voted to lift all caps on liability in oil spills and another moved to deny offshore leases to companies with poor track records."

Source: Reuters, 07/01/2010

"Senate Democrats Poised To Start Energy Bill"

"Legislation could include a carbon cap on utility companies. Many Democrats hope a summer discussion on energy will establish a strong contrast with Republicans before this fall's election."

Source: LA Times, 06/28/2010

"Oil Firms Vow Safety in Wells Far Deeper Than BP's"

Some oil companies have been drilling in the Gulf and elsewhere at depths far greater than the BP's blown-out Macondo well. That drilling raises unique engineering challenges -- and also raises questions about whether the companies have adequately addressed unique environmental risks.

Source: Dallas News, 06/28/2010
