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"Green Homes Projects in a Down Economy"

"As the credit freeze tightened its grip on the economy, the market for green construction -- at least in some respects -- remained strong overall, according to the U.S. Green Building Council and insurers of green construction projects. ...Still, as fewer and fewer banks proved willing to lend money for upfront construction costs, many smaller green builders have been forced to find new ways to see their projects through to completion."
Source: NYTimes, 08/21/2009

'Flash Mob' Plays Dead for Climate Bill

A "Flash Mob" of environmental activists in Salt Lake City staged a demonstration to declare: "Climate Change Kills." It was just one of dozens of events around the country staged by both sides in the climate debate.
Source: Salt Lake Tribune, 08/21/2009

"More Info Comes to Light on 'Energy Citizen' Rallies"

"News broke on Friday that the American Petroleum Institute is urging member companies to recruit their employees, retirees, vendors, and contractors to attend 'Energy Citizen' events across the country over the August congressional recess. Today, we have some updates to the story."
Source: Grist, 08/18/2009

"Oil Industry Backs Protests of Emissions Bill"

"Hard on the heels of the health care protests, another citizen movement seems to have sprung up, this one to oppose Washington's attempts to tackle climate change. But behind the scenes, an industry with much at stake -- Big Oil -- is pulling the strings."
Source: NYTimes, 08/19/2009
