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Is Calif. Carbon Capture Play a Climate Solution or a Ruse?

"[As Californians] prepare to finalize a state climate plan that relies on CCS technology, some environmentalists are urging officials to abandon the idea. Instead of helping to wean California off fossil fuels, they say CCS will actually increase oil production."

Source: LA Times, 07/26/2022

"DRC To Auction Oil And Gas Permits In Endangered Gorilla Habitat"

"The Democratic Republic of the Congo has announced it will auction oil and gas permits in critically endangered gorilla habitat and the world’s largest tropical peatlands next week. The sale raises concerns about the credibility of a forest protection deal signed with the country by Boris Johnson at Cop26."

Source: Guardian, 07/25/2022

"Texas Republicans Make Renewable Energy a Political Punching Bag"

"Texas is on a roll—an energy use roll, that is. This week, amid sweltering temperatures, the power demand on the state’s grid soared to an all-time high on Wednesday, reaching 80,000 megawatts of demand. This marks the eleventh time this demand record has been broken this year alone."

Source: Earther, 07/25/2022
