In ND, Money Meant To Clean Up Old Wells Goes To Frack New Ones
"North Dakota, where Covid-19 rates are surging, is redirecting the federal relief money, turning it into grants that will go directly to oil companies."
"North Dakota, where Covid-19 rates are surging, is redirecting the federal relief money, turning it into grants that will go directly to oil companies."
"Stephanie Kodish is used to opposition to her work. In her job with the National Parks Conservation Association, she pushes utilities to comply with environmental laws. That can mean installing expensive new anti-pollution technology on coal plants, or even closing them down."
"After a tornado demolished Greensburg, Kan., it rebuilt without carbon emissions. Can its lessons help communities and economies rebound from fires, hurricanes and covid-19?"
"Even as Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats have built a commanding lead in the money race ahead of the November election, the nation's oil and gas industry has continued to direct its formidable financial clout to support President Donald Trump and Republicans."
"President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, one of the world’s most fossil-fuel reliant economies, said on Wednesday the country will go carbon neutral by 2050."
"It was a scorching August day at the Hoover Dam as three Trump administration officials gathered for a little celebration honoring pollution-free hydroelectricity."
"Japan will be carbon neutral by 2050, its prime minister said on Monday, making an ambitious pledge to sharply accelerate the country’s global warming targets, even as it plans to build more than a dozen new coal-burning power plants in the coming years."
"Under Donald Trump, the government has auctioned off millions of acres of public lands to the fossil fuel industry, the Guardian can reveal, in the most comprehensive accounting to date of how much public land the administration has handed over to oil and gas drillers over the past four years."
"Barrett and five other conservative justices will wield considerable influence on climate change policy"
"The supreme court is shifting right, at a pivotal moment when it could have the last word on how much the US contributes to battling the climate crisis.
Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the court could leave an indelible mark on how fiercely the US, and perhaps the rest of the world, can fight rising temperatures, even as scientists warn society has just years to take serious action.
"One of the largest utilities in the U.S. put $8 billion into a bet that natural gas would dominate American electricity much like coal had before. “We really consider this to be a growth play,” Tom Fanning, chief executive officer of Southern Co., said in an interview just five years ago ... . Gas looked to be on the verge of generational dominance at the time."