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"Lawsuit Seeks To Protect California’s Auto Emission Rules"

"SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A coalition of 11 environmental groups has sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for revoking California’s authority to set tougher emission standards for cars and trucks than the federal government.

The federal government has allowed California to set its own emission standards since the 1970s because the state has the most cars on the road and struggles to meet air quality standards. Thirteen other states plus the District of Columbia follow California’s rules.

Source: AP, 11/25/2019

Trump DOI Wants To Give Some Gulf Wells a Break On Royalty Payments

"The Trump administration wants offshore drillers to tap more of the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico for oil and natural gas production. And it has just figured out a way of encouraging them to do so: cutting the operators of some new wells a break on how much they have to pay the federal government."

Source: Washington Post, 11/25/2019

Appalachia’s Strip-Mined Mountains Face Growing Climate Risk: Flooding

"Pigeon Creek flows through a narrow mountain hollow along a string of coal mining communities, its water trickling under the reds and yellows of the changing fall foliage. The tranquil scene belies the devastation the creek delivered one night a decade ago as heavy rain fell on soggy soil and thousands of acres of nearby strip mines."

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/22/2019
