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"Environmental Group IDs New Mexico Methane Emissions Surge"

"A prominent environmental group announced new evidence Thursday that methane emissions in New Mexico are climbing amid a surge in oil and natural gas production in the Permian Basin drilling zone that straddles the state boundary with Texas."

Source: AP, 04/15/2019

Senate Confirms Bernhardt Amid Calls for Investigations Into His Conduct

"The Senate on Thursday voted to confirm David Bernhardt, a former lobbyist for the oil and agribusiness industries, as secretary of the interior. The confirmation of Mr. Bernhardt to his new post coincided with calls from more than a dozen Democrats and government watchdogs for formal investigations into his past conduct."

Source: NY Times, 04/12/2019

"U.S. Bill To Boost Electric Car Tax Credits Could Rev GM, Tesla"

"A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation on Wednesday to expand the electric vehicle tax credit by 400,000 vehicles per manufacturer, a provision that would give a boost to Tesla Inc and General Motors Co before the existing credit comes to an end for them."

Source: Reuters, 04/11/2019
