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"Trump's Efforts To Spur Projects Hit NEPA Wall"

"The Keystone XL pipeline. A power line crossing the James River. A big transmission project in Nebraska. These high-profile energy projects are all potential beneficiaries of President Trump's "energy dominance" agenda."

Source: EnergyWire, 04/09/2019

"Pipeline Opponents Ask Judge To Strike Down Trump’s Permit"

"Opponents of the long-stalled Keystone XL oil pipeline asked a federal court Friday in a lawsuit to declare President Donald Trump acted illegally when he issued a new permit for the project in a bid to get around an earlier court ruling."

Source: AP, 04/08/2019

"What Remains Of Bears Ears"

"Utah’s politically contentious southeast corner is a living landscape of culture and civilization". ... For 11 months, the rich legacy of this region was federally protected. It’s not clear who will be its steward now."

Source: Washington Post, 04/04/2019
