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Scientists Warn Climate Shocks Could Trigger Unrest, Authoritarian Backlash

"As Earth’s annual average temperature pushes against the 1.5 degree Celsius limit beyond which climatologists expect the impacts of global warming to intensify, social scientists warn that humanity may be about to sleepwalk into a dangerous new era in human history. Research shows the increasing climate shocks could trigger more social unrest and authoritarian, nationalist backlashes."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/02/2024

Faithful Work With Environmentalists To Conserve India’s Sacred Forests

"Tambor Lyngdoh made his way through the fern-covered woodland — naming plants, trees, flowers, even stones — as if he were paying older family members a visit. The community leader and entrepreneur was a little boy when his uncle brought him here and said these words: “This forest is your mother.”"

Source: AP, 01/19/2024
