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"China’s Record Drought Is Drying Rivers and Feeding Its Coal Habit"

"Dry weather in southwestern China has crippled huge hydroelectric dams, forcing cities to impose rolling blackouts and driving up the country’s use of coal."

"HONG KONG — Car assembly plants and electronics factories in southwestern China have closed for lack of power. Owners of electric cars are waiting overnight at charging stations to recharge their vehicles. Rivers are so low there that ships can no longer carry supplies.

Source: NYTimes, 08/29/2022

"Hot Nights: US in July Sets New Record For Overnight Warmth"

"Talk about hot nights, America got some for the history books last month. The continental United States in July set a record for overnight warmth, providing little relief from the day’s sizzling heat for people, animals, plants and the electric grid, meteorologists said."

Source: AP, 08/15/2022
