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"Trump Once Promised to Revive Coal. Now, He Rarely Mentions It."

"The first time Donald J. Trump ran for president, he slapped on a miner’s helmet and told coal workers they would be “winning, winning, winning” when he entered the White House. Now, as Mr. Trump campaigns for another chance at the presidency, he rarely mentions America’s coal miners and has stopped making grand promises about their future."

Source: NYTimes, 06/18/2024

Trump Rallies GOPers Against Biden Energy Policies, But Sidesteps IRA

"Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump delivered a campaign-style energy address during a day of meetings with congressional Republicans on Thursday, hitting on trademark themes like “drill baby drill” and pledging to reverse Biden administration policies he said hamper fossil fuel development and favor electric vehicles."

Source: Politico, 06/17/2024

"How Biden Is Conserving Land And Water As Trump Looms"

"A week after his presidential inauguration, Joe Biden cited the climate and biodiversity crises as reasons to set a sweeping new goal – to conserve at least 30% of America’s vast lands and waters by the end of the decade. Three years on, new protections have spurred meaningful progress towards meeting the target by 2030."

Source: Guardian, 06/12/2024
