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"EPA Chief Wants Scientists To Debate Climate On TV"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is in the early stages of launching a debate about climate change that could air on television – challenging scientists to prove the widespread view that global warming is a serious threat, the head of the agency said."

Source: Reuters, 07/12/2017

"U.S. Cities, States and Businesses Pledge to Measure Emissions"

"A coalition of American states, cities and businesses that have pledged to stick with the Paris climate pact will team up with experts to quantify their climate commitments and share their plans with the United Nations, vowing to act in spite of the Trump administration’s exit from the accord."

Source: NY Times, 07/12/2017

"The Deep Industry Ties of Trump’s Deregulation Team"

"President Trump entered office pledging to cut red tape, and within weeks, he ordered his administration to assemble teams to aggressively scale back government regulations. But the effort — a signature theme in Mr. Trump’s populist campaign for the White House — is being conducted in large part out of public view and often by political appointees with deep industry ties and potential conflicts."

Source: NY Times, 07/11/2017
