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"Keystone XL Pipeline Builder Eager To Work With Trump"

"The Canadian company behind the Keystone XL oil pipeline said Wednesday that it will work with President-elect Donald Trump on reviving the Canada-to-U.S. project, which outgoing President Barack Obama rejected one year ago this week."

Source: Politico, 11/10/2016

"Meet Trump's Cabinet-In-Waiting"

"President-elect Donald Trump does not have the traditional cadre of Washington insiders and donors to build out his Cabinet, but his transition team has spent the past several months quietly building a short list of industry titans and conservative activists who could comprise one of the more eclectic and controversial presidential Cabinets in modern history."

Source: Politico, 11/10/2016

"Donald Trump's US Election Win Stuns Scientists"

"'Trump will be the first anti-science president we have ever had,' says Michael Lubell, director of public affairs for the American Physical Society in Washington DC. 'The consequences are going to be very, very severe.'”

Source: Nature, 11/09/2016
