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"California Dairies Scramble To Guard Herds Against Bird Flu"

"Earlier this spring, California dairy farmers noted a puzzling drop in milk production in Texas, New Mexico, Idaho, Ohio, Kansas and Michigan. Weeks later, news broke that several herds in these states, as well as North Carolina, had been diagnosed with avian influenza — the same strain that has devastated bird populations across the globe and shown a troubling ability to jump to mammals."

Source: LA Times, 04/16/2024

DEADLINE: Banff Centre's Adventure Filmmakers Workshop

This Banff Centre workshop, Oct 25-Nov 3, 2024, provides the opportunity for independent and emerging filmmakers to turn projects into reality, guided by two of the world’s premier adventure filmmakers. Deadline: Jul 17, 2024.

DEADLINE: Banff Centre's Mountain Writers Intensive

The Banff Centre's Mountain Writers Intensive, Oct 23-Nov 12, 2024, offers writers an opportunity to work on mountain, landscape or environmentally themed writing projects, under the guidance of two celebrated faculty. Deadline: Jul 17, 2024.
