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"How 2023 Changed The Way States Do Climate Policy"

"Minnesota Democrats, newly in control of the state government, began 2023 by enacting a clean electricity standard. Michigan lawmakers followed suit months later — as one of their final acts before gaveling out for the year."

Source: E&E News, 12/22/2023

"This Antarctic Octopus Has a Warning About Rising Sea Levels"

"Scientists have long wondered whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is a ticking time bomb in terms of sea level rise. New evidence from the DNA of a small octopus that lives in the Southern Ocean suggests that the ice sheet is indeed at risk of collapsing, according to a study published on Thursday in the journal Science."

Source: NYTimes, 12/22/2023

"The Dark Side of Bright Nights"

"Light can be deadly. Many animals and plants are threatened by artificial light. Numerous organisms have found their evolutionary niche in the dark of night, and now have to adapt to bright nights. Not all of them succeed."

Source: DW, 12/21/2023

"After a Decade of Planning, New York City Is Raising Its Shoreline"

"Inspired by the Dutch model of living with water, New York’s coastal defenses are on the rise. The city — like others around the country — is combining infrastructure like floodwalls with nature-based features, as it moves ahead with the largest resiliency project in the U.S."

Source: YaleE360, 12/21/2023
