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Hidden Death Toll Of Flooding In Bangladesh Sends A Grim Climate Signal

"A study published last week shows Bangladesh’s intensifying monsoons come with a staggering death toll, both in the immediate aftermath of the flooding itself and, more significantly, in the months that follow. The true scale of the toll has not been fully captured by local officials, aid organizations, or the international research community."

Source: Grist, 12/14/2023

"COP28 Does Not Deliver Clear Path to Fossil Fuel Phase Out"

"Going into overtime under the cover of a dark winter night in Dubai, climate negotiators at COP28 cooked up a weak sauce of climate half-measures that fail to adequately address the existential risk of global warming to millions of people around the globe, according to leading climate experts at the conference."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/14/2023

Environmental Change Threatens What's Left Of Japan's Cormorant Fishing

"Cormorants have been a constant presence in Youichiro Adachi’s life, and when he was young, he cried whenever one of his family’s birds died. Now 48, Adachi still cares deeply for his birds, drawing them out of their baskets each morning and stroking their long necks to confirm their health and maintain a bond."

Source: Reuters, 12/13/2023

"Colorado Cattle Industry Sues Over Reintroduction Of Gray Wolves"

"The Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and the Gunnison County Stockgrowers Association (GCSA) are taking legal action against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) “regarding the pending release of gray wolves in Colorado,” according to a blog post on the lawsuit from the CCA and GCSA, filed a couple of weeks before the wolves’ reintroduction as a result of a voter-approved initiative."

Source: The Hill, 12/13/2023
