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"New FDA Deputy To Lead Food-Safety Mandate"

As Congress moves ahead with legislation to beef up federal regulation of food safety, the Obama administration has appointed Michael Taylor to head the food safety effort at the Food and Drug Administration.

Source: Wash Post, 01/14/2010

"Saving an Aztec Salamander"

"The ancient waterways upon which the Aztec Empire was built are now a fraction of their former glory. ... Hidden underneath the murky water, sharing space with discarded soda cans and empty potato-chip bags, an ageless 'water monster' called the axolotl, a central figure in Aztec legend and a protein-rich part of the diet then, is also vanishing."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 01/14/2010

"Monsanto GMO Ignites Big Seed War"

"Even though deep snowdrifts cover his fields in eastern Kansas, Luke Ulrich, a corn and soybean farmer here, is thinking about spring. It's time to buy seed again, but hundreds of seed companies have gone under in the past two decades."

Source: NPR, 01/14/2010
