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"Mountaintop Mining Legacy: Destroying Appalachian Streams"

"The environmental damage caused by mountaintop removal mining across Appalachia has been well documented. But scientists are now beginning to understand that the mining operations’ most lasting damage may be caused by the massive amounts of debris dumped into valley streams."
Source: YaleE360, 07/22/2009

"Predators Battle Bugs, Become Pests Themselves"

"Imported insects have been deployed as foot soldiers in the fight against invasive bugs and plants that cause billions of dollars in damage each year. But some of those imports are proving to be pests themselves that upset the balance of nature and threaten native species."
Source: AP, 07/22/2009

"Onion Power: Tops, Tails and Skins Become Electricity"

"Tops and tails are becoming much more than garbage at Gills Onions, an onion processor in Oxnard, Calif. Today marks the unveiling of the company's onion-powered electrical system, a first-of-its-kind initiative to turn onion waste into energy."
Source: Reuters, 07/22/2009

"Informal World Climate Talks in Bonn in August"

"World climate negotiators will gather in Bonn next month to edit an 'indigestible' set of proposals into a manageable document for international consideration, the head of a key U.N. panel said on Tuesday."
Source: Reuters, 07/22/2009
